This Blog is dedicated to Brent Goose - the smallest and northernmost breeding goose in the World, and the one that also undertakes some of the longest non-stop journeys of any goose species in the World. It was launched with our Brenttags project in May 2011 - funded by the Norwegian Directorate for Nature Management. All pictures can be seen in a higher resolution by clicking on them.
4 Jun 2011
1 June: Caretaker goes east
Caretaker is the fifth bird to arrive in the Arctic. Departed 30 May at 12:00 and arrived 1 June at 21:00. In contrast to the other geese we followed this year, all of which went to southwest Spitsbergen - he travelled east to the island Edgeøya. This is only the second bird of the 16 we have followed so far during 1997, 2001 and 2011 that went east for its pre-breeding stop-over.