This Blog is dedicated to Brent Goose - the smallest and northernmost breeding goose in the World, and the one that also undertakes some of the longest non-stop journeys of any goose species in the World. It was launched with our Brenttags project in May 2011 - funded by the Norwegian Directorate for Nature Management. All pictures can be seen in a higher resolution by clicking on them.
30 May 2011
Why Blog in English
As a matter of fact: More understands English than anything else. The Brenttags project is funded by the Norwegian Directorate for Nature Management - so perhaps we should develop this in Norwegian. But this sounds simpler than it is if you are Danish - because our languages are quite similar yet so different that one would be doomed to present some poor Norwegian on this Blog. Our Brent Geese also winters in England, the Netherlands and Germany, so even more languages at stage. Hence English.